How to get nearly free publicity on your own or by partnering with your publisher...
"The Second Edition is a Goldmine"
"I purchased The Frugal Book Promoter 1st Edition in 2004 and scoured it for ideas to promote my debut novel. I used it so much that its pages are worn. It's full of post-its I stuck in with reminders of what I should do and when. The countless ideas about marketing were a valuable resource for publicizing my book. I have fifty reviews on Amazon and have sold more copies than I thought possible. The Frugal Book Promoter was a gold mine!
"I've recently discovered an UPDATED gold mine. Carolyn Howard Johnson's SECOND EDITION of The Frugal Book Promoter, available in eBook and print versions, is packed and twice as thick as the first version. Do you want to hit the marketing world running with your book? I highly recommend you utilize the many resources in the Second Edition. The information is completely current and easy to follow. This excellent resource puts you, the author, in the driver's seat to do what your publisher can't to promote your book. A huge plus--the tips are "nearly free" (to quote the cover subtitle).
"Today's technology, social networking and marketing techniques are covered. Updated web resources abound. Advice in sync with today's Internet are incorporated:
Blogging tips and pitfalls
Obtaining reviews and avoiding scams
Finding places to pitch your book
Using the eBook explosion to promote sales
Using Google alerts to full advantage
Staying on top of current trends in the publishing industry
Writing quality query, media release letters and scripts for telephone pitches
Putting together power point and author talk presentations
"Don't have deep pockets to pay a pricey publicist? Do you want your book to get maximum exposure? This book is a game-changer and the best investment in your book's future you can make. Carolyn Howard Johnson is an author who understands authors and generously shares her savvy about marketing. Highly recommended."
Review by Holly Weiss, author of Crestmont
The second edition of The Frugal Book Promoter is an updated version of the multi award-winning first edition. It has been expanded to include simple ways to promote books using newer technology--always considering promotion and marketing techniques that are easy on the pocketbook and frugal of time. It also includes a multitude of ways for authors and publishers to promote the so-called hard-to-promote genres. The award-winning author of poetry and fiction draws on a lifetime of experience in journalism, public relations, retailing, marketing, and the marketing of her own books to give authors the basics they need for do-it-yourself promotion and fun, effective approaches that haven't been stirred and warmed over, techniques that will help rocket their books to bestselling lists. You'll also learn to write media releases, query letters and a knock 'em dead media kit--all tools that help an author find a publisher and sell their book once it's in print.
From Carolyn Howard-Johnson:
I am best known as The Frugal Book Promoter but I want to be known as a literary writer, poet and all round smart and giving marketer. You can see I have a problem with branding, not because I don't know how to brand but because my career is so diverse. Ha!
I'm now an instructor for UCLA Extension Writers' Program.
My stories and poems have appeared in anthologies like: Pass/Fail, edited by Rose A. O. Kleidon, PhD; and in journals like Pear Noir, Front Range, The Pedestal Magazine and many more. One of my poems won first place in the Franklin Christoph prize, 2010.
I was given the Woman of the Year in Arts and Entertainment Award by California Legislature members, Carol Liu, Dario Frommer and Jack Scott. I can't help but be proud of that.
My first novel, This Is The Place, and my book of creative nonfiction, Harkening, are both multi award-winners. A chapbook of my poetry, published by Finsihing Line was named a Ten Best Read by the Compulsive Reader and the Military Writers Society of America honored it with a selver medal for excellence. I have also partnered with Magdalena Ball for the Celebration Series of poetry chapbooks including She Wore Emerald Then, Cherished Pulse, Imagining the Future and a coming one for Christmas called Blooming Red. I also wrote a screenplay, The Killing Ground.
THE FRUGAL BOOK PROMOTER: HOW TO DO WHAT YOUR PUBLISHER WON'T became an instant best seller as an e-book on ebookad and the paperback opened to rave reviews on Amazon. It is now the first in a the How To Do It Frugally series. THE FRUGAL EDITOR: PUT YOUR BEST BOOK FORWARD TO AVOID HUMILIATION AND ENSURE SUCCESS is the next. I published a little book to go with it on word trippers and other gremlins lying in wait to trip you up. It is GREAT LITTLE LAST-MINUTE EDITING TIPS.
The Book Publicists of Southern California honored me with their Irwin Award and the Pasadena Weekly for literary activism. My hometown's Character and Ethics Committee honored me for my work promoting tolerance with my writing.
Yes, I am having fun yet!

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The best guide around!
"The book is . . .full of ideas, strategies, and tips for promoting your book cheaply, in innovative and effective ways, but it has been updated with a much greater focus on new technologies, the all-important social networks, and a range of stratgies designed to help authors with less commercial offerings such as poetry and fiction.
". . . rich with classic techniques too, such as media releases, query letters, and a whole fantastic chapter pulling together a media kit. There's information on using bylines, writing a biography, obtaining endorsements and blurbs, distribution of releases, obtaining reviews, tradeshows, book fairs, setting up a website, and many more 'must-do' items
~ Magdalena Ball
The Second Edition is a Goldmine
Don't have deep pockets to pay a pricey publicist? Do you want your book to get maximum exposure? This book is a game-changer and the best investment in your book's future you can make.
~Holly Weiss "Crestmont"

Dvorah Lansky
Promote Your Book with Teleseminars: Simple and Affordable Ways
to Turn Your Message into Money
Magdalena Ball
Quark Soup - a eBook of Poetry
Dr. Anna Maria Prezio
Power & Prosperity through Feng Shui & Color Ebook $19.99
Shelley Hitz
"Authors - It's Time to Repurpose Your Content" MP3 and PDF.
Phyllis Zimbler Miller
"5 Tips for Overcoming the Fear of Social Media"
Irene Watson
Ebook: The Story that Must Be Told: True Tales of Transformation
Patricia Fry
Novel Ways to Promote Your Novel
Linda Barnett-Johnson
20% Discount on Video Book Trailer
Denise Cassino
8 Keys to Your #1 Bestseller
Dan Poynter
Dan Poynter, Author (127 Books), Publisher (Since 1969), Speaker (CSP).
Book Promo Excel List Template
Dana Lynn Smith, Author, The Savvy Book Marketer
The Real Truth About Getting Book Reviews
Penny C. Sansevieri
The Ultimate Guide to Twitter: Marketing tips, tricks and insider scoop.
Aggie Villanueva
The Rewritten Word: How to Sculpt Literary Art no Matter the Genre.
Allyn Evans
Live a Powerful Life: How to Move Beyond Pleaser and Good Little Girl to Conscious Queen
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Promote Your Book with Teleseminars: Simple and Affordable Ways to Turn Your Message into Money
In this 30-page guide, you will discover simple and affordable ways to turn your message into money! Teleseminars provide you with a powerful platform from which to share the message of your book and connect with your audience. This comprehensive guide walks you through the process, step-by-step!
Quark Soup contains twenty eight poems which muse on topics like what it means to be human, love, loss, fear, longing, and transcendence.
“An exquisite infinity of poetic stars.” Geoff Nelder
This special e-book provides you with a personal map for matching your power color to enhance different parts of your house, your body and your mind. Do you know what your personal power color is? Do you know what color during meditation can kill of disease? Do you know what color can release stress or relieve pain? Color can open new possibilities whether they are related to your business or your personal life. Don't ignore the power of color and its associations. Color affects us in a profound way. Feng Shui and color has power and endless possibilities to create wealth, health and happiness in our lives.
Learn the basic ins and outs of creating your own Amazon Bestseller campaign. These 8 keys will introduce you to the most important aspets of having a successful bestseller launch.
Denise Cassino is an Internet Book marketing expert specializing in optimizing Amazont to give you the best expsoure possible and to help you manage your social networks easily and effectively.
The book industry is changing so book promotion must change.
The good news is that the new way to get the word out on your book is faster, easier and less expensive.
The Book Promotion Contact List System tells you where the new reviewers are and how to reach them. This white paper describes a book-promotion system that is new, fabulously valuable and a lot of fun. The system is shared by Dan Poynter, the Book Futurist.
"Authors - It's Time to Repurpose Your Content" MP3 and PDF. In this training, Shelley Hitz shares with you how to repurpose the content of your book into many formats including ebook formats, an audio book and more! Shelley Hitz is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Her website, provides resources and tutorials that help you publish and market your book. :
"5 Tips for Overcoming the Fear of Social Media"
Phyllis combines a Wharton MBA with 30 years of marketing experience with companies such as Max Factor and Tiger Air. When her self-published novel was named an Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award semi-finalist, she coupled her marketing knowledge with the power of social media to promote her book.
The Story that Must Be Told: True Tales of Transformation - editors: Irene Watson and Victor Volkman
This slim volume contains 21 true stories of courage, love, endurance, and undying hope from people around the USA and UK. Follow each of our authors as they detail what it took to face impossible circumstances and powerfully transform them into forgiveness, understanding, and grace.
For most authors of fiction, the very idea of promotion is distasteful. It’s not uncommon for novelists to break out in hives or develop a nervous twitch when faced with the reality of marketing their books. As a published author, you know that you must promote your book and you scurry to find your comfort zone. You’ll sign up with, of course, put up a Web site and solicit reviews through the traditional mags and sites. Those of you with more nerve will try to arrange book signings and, uh—maybe attend a few local book festivals. And mostly, you’re met with disappointment.But there is so much more that you can do to draw attention to your book—to let readers know that it exists. Here are a few ideas that you may not have thought of: (And they don’t even require that you develop the persona of a hard-selling hawker.)
Linda Barnett-Johnson is a virtual assistant to authors, providing many marketing program. She creates beautiful book trailers to help you market your books. She is offering a 20% discount on any book trailer she creates. This offer is a $30-50 value and is good through December 2011. Please use this code when contacting her. LBJ-trailer 12/2011
It can be a challenge to get your book noticed amid the hundreds of thousands of new titles published every year. Reviews are one of the very best ways to boost book sales, but many authors don’t fully understand the value of reviews and the many options for getting reviews. Learn more in “The Real Truth About Getting Book Reviews.”
This eBook is packed with advice that will help your book soar! Value $29
The Rewritten Word: How to Sculpt Literary Art no Matter the Genre. A bestseller in at least two Amazon Kindle categories continually since a few weeks after publication, it went on to win the 2011 Global eBook Award in Writing/Publishing. This is the only How-to-Write book that has nothing to do with writing. It's all about rewriting. Whittle away what buries the art of your words beneath pulp, no matter the topic, no matter the genre.
In my adulthood, I wondered why, with all my advantages, I never felt like a powerful force in my own life, so I started searching for answers. My search took me back to my hometown and the culture I was raised in. I talked to many women, read many books, and discovered I wasn't the only one wondering why a woman usually comes last in her own life. I heard the messages we were given and believed. And I realized there must be a better way...for us, for the culture, for our children. Grab the Queen Power is the first step on the journey to find a better way. You may purchase the book at or from my website:
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